February Winners!!
First let me thank Notturno Digital Arts for being our sponsor this month and for their gorgeous images. Be sure and check out their Etsy store for some wonderful digi stamps! Thanks to everyone who came by to Holley's blog to celebrate with me!
Winner by random number draw is
#28 Patacake
Please send me your address to claim your prize! email htondre@aol.com
Now for those who got prizes for using Notturno Digis in their creations.
Please email me your addy, and I'll be sending goodies to you!! If there were additional entries that used Notturno Digital arts and I missed them for some reason, please let me know htondre@aol.com.
7. Paperwhims

41. Suzanne H
56. PaperWhims
57. KTFitKitty
58. KTFitKitty
62. Tina Z Treebug
63. Valerija
Here's the Top Three this month in no particular order.
7. Elizabeth H
35. CraftyHairLady
Please take our badge and share it proudly.
Thanks so much for playing along this month! Please stay tuned as next month's contest should begin shortly! We can't wait for you to see our newest creations!!