Winner of the SBP Thursday Technique is: Randomly-generated #2. That's Karen! Expect a little something special in the mail, Karen, and thanks for sharing your crafting tip!
Today is Technique Thursday, but I am sitting in a hospital room (photo is of view from his room), trying to be a comfort for my adult single son, whose life has taken a shortcut to disappointment. While at weekend drill for his Army Reserves commitment, he was struck with wracking cramps and transported to the ER (across the street, thank God). He awoke from surgery last night a little lighter, losing about a foot of his colon, which had twisted and caused a blockage. Luckily, they caught it before it could cause lasting damage or become perforated and poison his whole system. However, he lost his place in a future deployment to which he was looking forward.
So, for today's technique, we turn to our trusty bloggers, whose creativity, experience and ideas have given much improvement to our crafting lives. We want to here about some technique, tip or suggestion that has saved you time, money, space, or, in my case, worry and stress.
Here's mine:
When I craft, I am so focused on creating, that my worries meet an invisible force field that cannot enter my "sanity zone". This is enhanced by playing my iPod and closing the door, so that I create not only projects, but my own little Zen den. A very simple yet very effective way to "save" my sanity.
Tell us your technique, whether it's organizational, frugally-conscious, alternative supply usage, or just plain comforting, relaxing or productive.
Each entry will go into the random generator for a prize that's sure to please the craftiest!